Golf Clinic

Optimum Golf is available to all levels of experience and may be covered by insurance if injury related. 

 • Complete Evaluation
 • Video Recorded Swing Analysis
 • Education on Movement Patterns 
 • Manual Treatment if needed
 • Exercise for Treatment & Prevention 

Physical therapy can reduce the risk of repetitive motion injuries and improve your golf performance. Our Certified Functional Golf Specialist will evaluate your functional movement (how your body moves) including golf-specific movements to assess your golf swing in relation to how your entire body is functioning through the swing.

It is possible to be experiencing pain in your elbow, but the true impairment is actually in the spine or hips. Your physical therapist can identify the cause of your pain or injury and implement a personalized plan of care. Your plan may include enhancing your strength, flexibility, balance or your posture when addressing the ball.  Through education on proper movement patterns, hands on treatment techniques if needed and therapeutic exercises you’ll be prepared for a healthy, injury free, golf season.

To achieve your personal best contact us at (701)751-3064. There is no referral needed to access quality physical therapy.  See your Movement Specialist today!

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This content has been approved by the experienced therapists with Optimum Therapies.