Shoulder Pain Therapy in Wisconsin and North Dakota

Your shoulders carry a lot of functional responsibility for your body. Because of this, there are many structures in the shoulder that can be strained or injured causing pain. It is also common for shoulder blade and lower neck pain to be associated with the shoulder.

The good news is you don’t have to live with shoulder pain. For patients in Wisconsin and North Dakota, the team of board-certified physical therapists with Optimum Therapies is here to help. Give your preferred location a call directly, or schedule a secure virtual consultation today!

A Closer Look at Your Shoulder

The shoulder is a ball and socket joint and moves the most of any joint in the human body. What allows our shoulder to move so much is due to how shallow the socket is. Although this helps us with mobility, we sacrifice stability which can lead to injuries. A group of four muscles and their tendons, called the rotator cuff, are a few of the structures that help provide some stability to the shoulder.

What are Common Causes of Shoulder Pain?

Like any other joint, swelling, damage, or bone changes can all cause shoulder pain. You may have pain when lifting the arm above your head, behind your back, or when reaching for something out to the side.

One common cause of shoulder pain occurs when a rotator cuff tendon becomes pinched under the bony area in the shoulder. This can cause the tendon to become inflamed or damaged. 

Shoulder pain may also be caused by:

  • Arthritis in the shoulder joint
  • Bone spurs in the shoulder area
  • Bursitis, which is inflammation of a fluid-filled sac (bursa) that acts as a cushion to help the shoulder move smoothly
  • Frozen shoulder, which occurs when the muscles, tendons, and ligaments inside the shoulder become stiff, making movement difficult and painful
  • Overuse or injury of nearby tendons, such as the bicep muscles of the arms
  • Tears of the rotator cuff tendons
  • Poor shoulder posture and mechanics
  • Referral pain from  a problem in another area of the body, such as the neck or lungs

What are some Serious Causes of Shoulder Pain?

Shoulder pain can be due to aging or everyday wear and tear. However, some shoulder pain is more serious and may require immediate attention.

These include:

  • Shoulder separation
  • Broken shoulder bone
  • Dislocation of the shoulder
  • Signs of a heart attack include sudden pressure or crushing pain in your shoulder

These serious causes may indicate an emergency, so please call 9-1-1.

When Should I Seek Treatment?

We are specially trained to assist you with your shoulder pain and help you get back to normal functioning.

We can talk with you about your concerns and work with you to get you the right treatment. We can also help advise you regarding other specialties or surgeries if that is necessary.

Schedule a consultation with Optimum Therapies if you experience:

  • Problems moving or using the shoulder
  • Pain for more than 2 to 4 weeks, even after home treatment
  • Swelling of the shoulder
  • Pain radiating from your neck down through your shoulder

How Can Shoulder Pain Be Treated?

We have many options to help get you the relief you need. Shoulder pain can limit your mobility, your self-esteem, and your quality of life. If you’ve been dealing with pain, visit Optimum Therapies to get you the relief you need.

A specialist will perform a physical exam and closely look at your shoulder. You will be asked questions to help your physical therapist understand the pain and dysfunction you have been experiencing so you can come up with a treatment plan together.

Why Choose Us?

We are committed to your peace of mind. Pain can be an all-consuming problem, and we can help get you on your way to living free of shoulder pain.

We value you and know you come to us with great trust. Give us a call today, or schedule a secure virtual consultation.